Thursday, December 08, 2005


it's been a long, damn day.

went to church again for the THIRD time this week. damn i'm good. and of course, i ended up sitting behind yellow-green madness lady (this time wearing purple sunglasses with equally large-honkin' lenses). i was able to recognize her from the spice girls lanyard hanging out of her purse.

and then this lady who i couldn't stand when i was a regular church-goer a few years ago went and plunked her ass down in the seat next to yellow-green madness. i couldn't stand this woman because she had this totally annoying habit of turning around to see if anybody was looking at her. apparently, she still has that same annoying, fucking habit. man, i can't stand her. i kept trying to shoot her evil, dirty looks whenever she'd turn around in my direction. when it came time to offer each other the sign of peace, i purposely snubbed her. i don't wish her peace. she doesn't give me any when she sits in my line of vision at mass. i swear, if she ever sits in front of me again, i'm gonna hit that cow in the back of the head with a missal book.

that's what they're there for, aren't they?

gotta love holy days of obligation.

anyway, this excursion to mass this morning caused me to go into work late, and therefore, stay at work late, which made me late in going to the grocery store to buy ingredients for the dish which will be my contribution to a holiday luncheon sponsored by the IT department at work.

i just finished making two batches of rum balls, and i only ate one rum ball in the process. okay, i scraped the sides of the bowl and licked all the spoons, but i disciplined myself this time. i'm usually pretty wasted after the first batch, but i think this time i was just too tired to get into the rum. plus, that plastic "traveler's" flask i bought of captain morgan's totally threw me off. (traveler's flask my's the same size as a regular bottle. nobody needs to be "traveling" with that much rum.)

and now, my passive-aggressive self needs to compose an e-mail to those bastard half-sibs to invite them to the 40th-day dealie that mom & i are hosting on saturday. (my mom told me i needed to call them, but THE HELL I WILL. e-mail works just fine.) you're invited, by the way. whether you're a friend, or just a random person who accidentally happened upon my blog, i'd certainly prefer your company to that of those selfish, asshole relations of mine.

dammit, i'm tired.

(not too tired to force myself to stay awake to see george clooney on leno. darnit if he isn't still as cute as he was on the facts of life.)

you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life...

is this true, or what?


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