Saturday, November 26, 2005

thanksgiving recap

a few weeks ago, my cousins & i decided that as the outcasts of our family, we should all have thanksgiving together. so early thursday morning, mom & i packed up for an overnighter at my cousin's house which shall henceforth be known as "outcast thanksgiving 2005."

so, this was the first thanksgiving...
  • without dad.
  • that i haven't had to spend with the half-sibs.
  • where i've actually gone "out of town." (okay, so i went to stockton...that's far for me, alright?)

okay, it wasn't like the best thanksgiving ever, but it certainly was different.

two not-nice things happened during outcast thinksgiving 2005:

  1. my period started. (and that always sucks, no matter what season it is.)
  2. i got tricked into eating goat again. (here's a big tip when eating filipino food: if you're unsure about what you're eating and you ask & get a really vague response about what it is, STOP EATING.) so i asked, "what is this?" pointing to some charred meat on a serving platter. the answer i got was, "barbecue." i should have known better. i really, really, really should have known better. an hour & a half later, i barfed up my meal.

and outcast thanksgiving 2005 wouldn't have been a complete pinoy experience without the gambling in the garage and karaoke in the living room. (i partook of neither, thank you very much. i was still feeling queazy from having barfed up goat.) instead, i watched bootleg copies of harry potter & chicken little & played xbox with the kids.

the next day, we packed up & headed to a differen't cousin's house (and he's only a semi-outcast) for lunch. i considered calling this event "semi-outcast after-thanksgiving-lunch 2005" but i've decided against it for your sake. there, i was bombarded by more family that i haven't seen in forever. and more food. but this time, i didn't barf. i stayed there all afternoon until i couldn't stand speaking in ilocano anymore. (and really, with my family, you don't get heard unless you say it in ilocano.)

so then i went home.

all in all, i give the experience a 7.5 out of 10. (deducting 1.5 points for the bad goat experience and 1 point for starting my period.)

happy two-days-after outcast thanksgiving 2005!


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