Tuesday, December 06, 2005

what was i saying again?

today is the 40th day. my mom made me take her to mass this morning.

i think i had an epiphany at church this morning, of all places, but i'll be damned if i can remember what the hell it was that dawned on me, all of a sudden. outta nowhere. BAM.

it's gone now. i bet it was good, too.

this is the problem with having epiphanies in church. i get distracted. not that i have many, but my church is not very conducive to epiphany-having.

case in point:
not many people go to the daily 8am masses at my church. the regulars are mostly old filipinos who make mass the official start of their day. so there's this baket (ilocano for old lady) sitting two rows in front of me. she had on this long wool coat that was mostly yellow with a very faint tinge of green. if you can think back to your 48-count box of crayolas, it was like yellow-green or green-yellow...whatever...it was the color of one of those crayons that you tried to avoid using because no matter how hard you'd grind the crayon onto the paper, you could hardly see the color. like the crayon was working against you. it was crayon sabotage, dammit. i used to set them aside in their own little section of pointless, stupid crayons. think of them as the crayon dunces, if you'd like.

anyway, while i was mulling over these thoughts floating around ever-so freely in my head, the baket turned around. and dammit if i didn't bite my tongue as hard as i could when she turned to smile at me and all i could focus on were these huge-ass orange sunglasses she had on. i mean, we're talking a good 4 to 5 inches in diameter for each lens here. with thick-ass orange frames. ORANGE. back in the day, she would've given elton a run for his money. does anyone else hear "don't go breaking my heart," or is it just me?

so i politely smiled back at her. (really, i'm not mean on the outside. not that mean, anyway.)

and i think it was during the yellow-green/green-yellow & orange madness that my epiphany came to me and then disappeared.

(cornflower, by the way, was the most frustrating crayola crayon to me as a child. it's such a pretty blue stick of wax, but it's crap on paper. utter crap. and while i'm on the subject, was it just me, or was that crayon sharpener built into the box with the dull plastic blade pretty useless as well? i mean really, you might as well have just used a damn spork.)

have a safe trip to heaven, dad. love ya.


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