Sunday, November 27, 2005

one month

it's been one month since my dad passed away.

at church this morning, my mom took communion & she prayed for something. i don't know what for, but she prayed damn hard. damn hard. i've stopped praying after communion and concentrate on picking out the little bits of communion wafer (the "host" for all you catholic know-it-alls) out of my teeth. (have i mentioned that i'm a walking sacrilege?) i've stopped trying. i may start trying sometime in the future, but don't hold yer breath.

so...after 40 days, my dad's soul is expected to catch the express train outta purgatory into heaven. so tonight, we started another rosary novena that will conclude on the 40th day after his passing. anything for the good of the cause. power to the people. give peace a chance. can't we all just get along? kumbaya.

anyway, i've spent the day battling what is either really bad allergies or a beginnings of a cold, and moments of wanting to cry my eyes out.

i really miss my dad. i think he knows this.

and i think, just to cheer me up, he told my uncle to sit in front of me and yank hairs out of his nose with his thumb & index finger. it worked, too. i damn near fell off my chair trying not to laugh.

just thought i'd share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting. now go do something productive & life-affirming.
Can't I just eat some chocolate and go to bed early, instead?

11/30/2005 8:47 pm  

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