Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the true me

if you're a yahoo! user, you've probably seen (or perhaps you've even used) the new feature where you can create your own avatar to use on messenger or to include in your blog.

i created one a few weeks ago that i didn't really think looked very much like me, although i tried my best to find the features that somewhat resembled my own, down to the nerdy glasses & multiple earrings on each ear. (and by going darker with the skin color and slanted eyes, i got the flat nose and two-tone lips for free...what a deal!)

by default, your avatar comes pre-plastered with a happy expression, but tonight, i decided go with a different expression and i think i've finally captured my true essence.

you'll notice there's a dinky little picture of me in the upper-right hand corner of my blog, but that's my cheesy, fake smile.

i now present to you my yahoo! avatar, complete with true-to-life disdainful, angry expression:

thank you. thank you very much. i'll be here all week.


Blogger Steven said...

Hahaha. Like the shirt.

12/19/2005 11:45 pm  
Blogger rachel said...

thanks. i chose it to bring out the "scowling, pissed off catholic" in me.

peace be with you.

12/21/2005 8:55 am  

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