Monday, December 19, 2005

she's TEN, i tell you...TEN!

got a small package from my family in etobicoke today. it included a dvd of my cousin's daughter's 18th birthday party, or to be more specific, her debut (pronounced to us flips as deh-boo, and known to you non-flips as a cotillion).

when the HELL did my niece turn 18?

the last time i saw her, she was dragging me around eaton centre trying to convince me to buy some obscenely expensive purse. i told her she wasn't old enough. now that was only...hmmm...that was was...eight years ago. she was TEN.

when the hell did she stop being TEN?

i hate age. i suppose there's nothing you can do about it. it just happens. you have no control.

maybe i should buy her an obscenely expensive purse for coming of age.

maybe not.

maybe i should buy myself an obscenely expensive purse to comfort myself in my old age.

a old lady can always do with another obscenely expensive purse.


i'll send you a picture of auntie's new purse. one day, you'll understand when you're old & bitter like auntie.


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