Saturday, December 17, 2005

honey, it's freakin' cold outside

i just spent an ungodly amount of time searching for blogger hacks. i decided against making any changes because everything i found to do required way too much effort.

it's the weather. too damn cold. i can't think when it's this cold.

(i know theresa's reading this and thinking i'm a total wimp because it's like ass-cold in ann arbor right now. and please don't ask me what ass-cold is. it just popped in my head. just go with it.)

i passed on going to the office christmas party tonight to stay home parked on my recliner under a short stack of blankets. my big plans are to watch coldplay on pbs tonight & drink some tea. that chris martin is looking less like a holocaust survivor now that he's grown his hair out a little bit. if i'm still awake afterwards, i'll continue my futile search for things i won't do to my blog.

yep, big fun.

oh, before i forget:

i did have minor success in my quest for blogger goodies when i came across a site with a button maker that i used to create this cute little badge. you can find the button maker at go make one. now.


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