Monday, December 19, 2005

didn't i just see this?

i turned on the tv for background noise when i got home earlier. i generally keep it on pbs because it's fairly quiet and every once in a while, something cool is on.

okay, that wasn't the case tonight, because the last show that just ended was about people who like to dress up & re-enact historic battles. (okay, it's not cool unless you're totally into that stuff, and i respect that. i mean, if i could find a reason to wear my darth vader costume other than at halloween, i'd totally be up for it.)

anyway, at some point, that show ended because that coldplay performance i was waiting for the other night is on again.

now that's cool.

it'll keep me busy until leno comes on. it's monday night. headlines. it's all about headlines.

(boy, that chris martin sure does hop around a lot when he dances. you gotta wonder what he & gwyneth paltrow look like when they cut a rug.)

it'll also keep me distracted from the awful itunes experience i had earlier today.

(some of you have already had the pleasure of listening to me whine about this earlier today, so you can stop reading here. if you'd like to relive the experience with me, then read on.)

damn you, itunes.

for about a month now, i've been trying to download from itunes an album by nusrat fateh ali khan (who's famous for qawwali music). everytime i've gone to my shopping cart in the itunes music store to try and purchase the album & download it, i've received the message, "changes are being made to this album" or some other punk-ass message to that effect. so today, i was discussing this album with a friend of mine, and i decided once again to try downloading this album. when i brought up itunes, i got that famous "a brand-spankin' new version is available, you want it?" message, so i figured, what the hell, newer is better, right?

and even better, after i updated itunes & restarted my machine, i was able to download the album. coolness.

so then i went to burn a cd of my newly PURCHASED music.

itunes told me i wasn't authorized to touch the album i just bought.


i deauthorized & authorized.

itunes told me i wasn't authorized to touch the album i just bought.


so i did that de/authorize thing once more, and finally, i was able to burn a cd.

which failed.

so i restarted my machine & tried it again.

i ended up burning a cd that plays one whole song, cuts the next song 20 seconds short & then ejects.

it's a good thing i really like that first song.

so i spent a good chunk of time at the ipod discussion board on the apple website hoping someone else has had this problem and knows how to fix it.

good news: LOTS of people have had this problem.
bad news: it's happened to most people after an itunes update, and no, nobody's been able to fix it.

i said it once, and i'll say it again. fuck.

oh well, time for headlines.


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