Monday, January 30, 2006

the catholic perspective of a 12-year old

so i had to attend this confirmation preparation meeting with my niece at church on saturday morning. the godparents had to do this q&a session with the kids for some reason or another. i don't know. i wasn't actually paying attention. church has that effect on people. anyway, our q&a went down like this:

what do you know about confirmation?
it's the third thingy. do you like my earrings?
they're a little too big. let's focus on these questions. what do you mean by "thingy?"
it starts with an "s". sss...sss...sss...sacrament!
good job. what else do you know about it?
that's it.

why do you want to be confirmed?
i don't. my parents are making me. can we go get fries after this?
ummm, sure. so you don't want to be confirmed?
not really. but don't tell my mom.
can i tell your dad?
no. he'll tell my mom. we ARE getting fries after this, right?

why am i going to make a good sponsor?
because you're my auntie. and you go to church. because you're my only auntie who goes to church. you DO go to church, don't you?
every sunday.
really. can we finish this already?
are you sure?
do you want fries or not?

how can i be more faithful in my prayer life?
by praying more. can i check my e-mail on your phone?
can i check my myspace account on your phone?
you can see a picture of my boyfriend if you go to to myspace.
i don't want to see a picture of your boyfriend right now. and you're too young to be using myspace.
we got in trouble for holding hands at school. don't you think that's mean?
did you know it was against the rules?
then, no, i don't think it's mean. you're just not good at not getting caught.
never mind. let's move on.

how do i encounter god?
what does that mean?
how do you contact or get in touch with god?
i talk to him in my sleep. [does strange arm movements indicating god-talk.]
can i PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE check my e-mail on your phone?

we've only got one question left, and then we can go get fries.
oh, cool. my earrings are really heavy. [removes earrings.] can you put these in your purse?
i told you they were too big.
i know.

at what times in your life do you feel god's presence most?
when someone dies. and when i'm with my boyfriend.
whoa. you're only 12. you're too young to be feeling god with a boy.
no, he prays a lot.
is that what you guys are doing when you're holding hands?
no. that's just for fun. LET'S GO GET FRIES!


Blogger Brady said...

How funny, she feels god's presence with her boyfriend! Oh boy... way too young.

The last time I felt god's presence was a couple weeks ago... I was near drowning in the ocean while at St. Thomas V.I. on Koki beach... I was caught in the undertow of 8 foot white caps...

1/31/2006 10:49 am  
Blogger rachel said...

and you survived to tell the tale!

since you're an adult, now you can go feel god's presence in other ways.

(i'm sure that's what's meant by the phrase, "in the biblical sense.")

2/01/2006 5:11 pm  
Blogger Brady said...

I am experiencing solitary confinement after this vacation... I have quit smoking and drinking... coming up on 2 weeks clean... You may say 2 weeks, so what, but for the past 8+ months I was visiting the bars 3-4 times a week and smoking near a pack every time I went...

I don't know what to do lately so I have been going to the coffee shop, video store, bookstore, shopping, gym (more often), tanning... what else should I do? damn...

2/02/2006 6:55 am  

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