Sunday, January 15, 2006

cat lust

my neighbors' kids keep running up & down the stairs and since their staircase runs alongside one ENTIRE SIDE of my quaint little townhouse, i can hear the clamor EVERY FUCKING TIME they go upstairs & downstairs & upstairs & downstairs & upstairs & downstairs & it's driving me fucking insane.

but that's beside the point.

the noise woke me up to the sight of one of my cats, who was in the process of rubbing her little cat face like crazy into one of my bras.

slightly disconcerting, but at least she didn't pee on it.


Blogger Shawn said...

LMAO! I don't know why this is so funny too me. Maybe because I share a bed with a thirty pound cat who is a cover hog. He's not lusty though because we had his nads chopped off. For his own good.

1/30/2006 6:31 am  
Blogger rachel said...

quite frankly, rubbing her little cat face in my bra doesn't bother me as much as the fact that she rubs her little cat coochie on the rug because she's too fat to reach her privates & get it all clean. that's just gross.

(note to self: steam-clean rug)

2/01/2006 7:36 pm  

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