Thursday, November 17, 2005

you only stole half an ankle brace, you moron

i went to the drugstore after work today to buy an ankle brace.

(why??? because i sprained my ankle after slipping on a rock and falling on the asphalt at work, okay? jeez. damned nosy fool. but nobody saw me scrub...i HA.)

being a veteran "sprainer," i usually go with a two braces: a super-tight, two-piece brace that i wear early in the life of the sprain, and one that's not as tight for the remainder of the sprain-duration.

i was really looking forward to putting on the super-tight, two-piece ankle brace.

when i got home, i was really pissed to find after opening the package, that someone STOLE half of the ankle brace.

what fucking moron steals half an ankle brace? you need one part to make the other part work. IT SAYS SO ON THE PACKAGE.

(no, i didn't bother checking inside the package first. that would've been way too damned easy.)

on behalf of the swelling, the stretched ligaments, and pain in my right ankle, may i just say, FUCK YOU, HALF-ANKLE-BRACE-STEALING MORON.


Blogger landismom said...

People who steal something and leave half behind are one of my major pet peeves. Is it just that they're too chicken to shoplift a whole item?

11/19/2005 2:20 pm  

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