Sunday, November 13, 2005

erasing a disc

i've got this spindle of used CD-RWs that i keep around when i need to be able to transport files that won't fit on one of my nifty little usb/jump/thumb/stick drive thingies and i went to erase a disc on my laptop and noticed that the little icon for "erase disc" on the program that i use is a picture of a disc with a pink eraser trying to "rub" the data off the disc.

a pink eraser. as if.

they had to use a pink eraser of course, because if it was any other color (like white, the color of "today's eraser"...that really cool plastic eraser that they hadn't invented yet when i was a kid), there's a chance that nobody would recognize it as an eraser. but the use of a pink eraser on a cd to illustrate "erasing" the cd is just weird.

and since we're on the subject of erasers (or at least i am anyway, and thanks for bearing with me), is it just me, or did we all hate that damned pink eraser? it was that evil pink eraser that would tear the shit out of the paper made of newsprint that we were given in grade school with the rows of fat lines that had the dotted line in-between...sort of newsprint divided highways that would help us learn the difference between upper- and lower-case.

those erasers sucked. if it were actually possible to "wipe" the data off a disc with an eraser, the pink one wouldn't be the one to get the job done. it would serve to do nothing more than to scratch the shit out of a disc and then you'd never be able to use the disc again.

not that it's possible to erase a disc with an eraser.

that's just dumb.

i'm just saying, that's all.

(really, i spared you my rant on the double-ended pencil/pen eraser. consider yourself lucky.)


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