Thursday, March 23, 2006

you are what you eat

i had yogurt for breakfast this morning. i was about to put a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth and there was a cat hair sitting on top of the yogurt in my spoon.

to preface what i'm about to say: you can usually find me covered in a thin layer of cat hair, because i have two constantly shedding furchildren (a term stolen from shawn, thanks) and i keep those tape roller thingies in my car & in my desk so i can de-fur when i get into work. those things never get all the cat hair off, but at least it's enough that i'm not a wandering ball of pet dander.

so it's no wonder that there was a cat hair in my yogurt. black on one end, white on the other end. typical. i decided that it was either dig the hair out and get yogurt on my fingers, or don't bother and eat the yogurt, stray cat hair & all.

i've spoken to other cat owners about this, and we all concur. it's no big deal to ingest cat hair. not large amounts of it, mind you. the errant hair is generally thought of to have no consequence if periodically consumed.

it especially makes sense when you put it into perspective. i was meeting with one of the myriad of managers i report to and she was having lunch at her desk. she was eating a salad, and when she was done, she licked her plastic fork clean and then put it in her desk for future use. i've known her for quite a while. she's probably been using the same fork for that amount of time.

at least i know better not to do that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I wasn't meant to be a cat mom because a. I hate that there is cat hair EVERYWHERE, especially on things I haven't worn yet and b. if I get a hair in my food, I want to GAG. Oh, and c. as cute as they are, they really annoy the hell out of me when they get locked in the closet.

3/23/2006 5:57 pm  
Blogger rachel said...

you'll get used to it over time. the cat hair, not the loud noises of wild animal rage from being locked in the closet.

i hate that too.

3/24/2006 12:32 pm  
Blogger Glitzy said...

I concur with the kitty fur thing as well. I also have two kitty kids and also have pet rollers everywhere. One of my cats sheds on demand..she's like a porcupine or something...I can brush her and not get much fur off but then as soon as she settles on my lap there's a fur explosion.

Like your blog. Found you thru acw. :)

4/01/2006 11:13 am  
Blogger rachel said...

the real kicker is when you get floating cat hair that somehow manages to land on your eyeball.

oh well. i wouldn't deal with it if i didn't love 'em.

4/11/2006 12:44 am  

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