Tuesday, March 14, 2006

may the force be with me

it will never cease to amaze me how stupid drivers in california can be when it's raining.

i've driven in a handful of other states in rainy conditions and californians are the worst when it comes to dealing with wet roads.

the people who are generally jerk-off drivers to begin with turn into supreme assholes who get super impatient in the rain because the conditions are forcing other drivers around them to slow down to a safe speed. you see them coming in your rearview, barreling down the road, weaving in & out of traffic, cutting people off without so much as even signaling. they're the same people who drive through large puddles with the sole intent to drench all the unfortunate people waiting at the bus stop.

it's times like this that i wish i had an x-wing fighter. a few proton torpedoes would do the trick, turning those assholes into little tiny bits of nothingness. i figure if one x-wing can take out the entire death star, then it sure as hell can handle the rigors of dealing with california drivers angered by inclement weather.


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