Wednesday, January 11, 2006

it's cool to be a grown-up

i've just spent the last 45 minutes sitting on a little stool in my laundry room in front of my washing machine.

my NEW washing machine.


i loaded my clothes, poured wisk h.e. & downy into the compartments of the cool little tray/reservoir dealie, turned some dials, pushed a mess of buttons and then hit start.

...then i grabbed my treo & started taking pictures of the washing machine, washing clothes, highly efficiently!

...then i walked away for a moment to read the manual (because in typical geek fashion, you don't read the manual until AFTER you've established what ALL the functions are & firmly believe you have the whole thing figured out & want to check the manual to make sure you're right. anything you find in the manual that you didn't already know about is an easter egg).

...then i heard the cycle change from wash to rinse & i got all excited & ran back to watch it some more.

it was better than watching tv. it was freakin' amazing!

i love my new washing machine so much, i give it a thumbs-up. i'd marry it if it would have me.

laugh at me now, but wait 'til you get your own brand-spankin' new washing machine. until then, you haven't really lived.


Blogger om said...

in a strange way, i understand. my building's drier had problems and now it works fine and is *free*!! so my roommate has been going crazy washing and then drying (for *free*!!) almost everything in our apartment. perhaps she too would marry that *free*!! machine if she could. cheers

1/11/2006 10:20 pm  
Blogger rachel said...

is it just me, or is anyone else reading omar's comment and making a strange face every time you read the word "*free*!!"?

1/13/2006 8:47 am  

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