Wednesday, January 04, 2006

oh, not again

my friend, the manager who wouldn't steal some maggie gyllenhaal dna for me when she walked into his store, has had yet another brush with fame...MICHAEL BUBLÉ. the absolutely adorable michael bublé with that voice that just makes you wanna...(i know this is totally corny) sway.


once again, he's apparently too goddamn freakin' shy & won't rustle up the courage to go get his autograph.

MICHAEL BUBLÉ, people. do you understand how distressing this is?

if you happen to be flying through sfo and wander into the brookstone store, go punch the manager in the shoulder for me. hopefully it'll be the right guy, but either way, i'll feel better.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bastard! Even my rotten exhusband once got Gabe Kaplan's autograph for me.

(Yeah, Gabe Kaplan. He was pretty hot for a few minutes in the olden days.)

1/06/2006 2:24 pm  

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