Tuesday, January 03, 2006

one of life's lessons, learned

i was one of those kids that used to take off in a store and hide from my mom. i'd take shelter inside a rack of clothes, watch her circle the store, and finally, when she looked really tired & pissed, i'd pop out of nowhere and scare the crap out of her.

i was quite the little asshole.

this evening, i took my mom shopping and after a whopping 5 minutes of walking into target, i managed to lose her. and you won't BELIEVE how many little filipino women there are roaming around my local target who look just like my mother. amazing.

and finally, after becoming totally annoyed and completely exhausted with throbbing, aching feet resulting from circling the store about 20 billion times trying to find my mother, she popped out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me.

karma's a bitch, man. a total bitch.


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