Monday, January 02, 2006

is insomniacism a word?

i really meant to go to sleep early(-ish) tonight...which was really last night, as the next day has already partially begun. it was supposed to be my practice run at getting a decent night's sleep before i start back to work on tuesday.

(crap. i have to go back to work on tuesday.)

anyway, just before i should have gone to sleep, i got to listening to the ricky gervais podcasts on guardian unlimited (which you absolutely MUST listen to, specifically episode 4 from last week...gotta love goat references) and at some point i actually recognized how tired i was and consciously decided to ignore the feeling and go have some chai.

so there was that, and i just finished crocheting like my billionth scarf. i don't know what the hell i'm going to do with all these scarves. i consider them to be more like swatches, and if i like the pattern, i'll consider making something bigger, like a blanket, but i'm very non-committal and hate starting large projects. i can finish a scarf.

would you like a scarf? really. i've only got one neck.

so yeah, back to why i can't sleep: ricky gervais, chai and crochet.

and reading back that last line to myself, i'm realizing how pathetically i've spent the last few hours when i could have been sleeping, so verily i go, beddie-bye.



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