Sunday, January 08, 2006

egg-poaching and the treo 700w

i've poached an egg (two, actually) for the first time in my life. apparently, you need to turn down the heat and not have the water at a rolling boil or else the egg whites turn into puffy clods of egg foam. i'll remember that for the next time.

and now, on to a totally unrelated and absolutely uber-geeky subject:

on friday, i went with my non-michael-bublé-autograph-getting friend, c, to the verizon store so he could get a new phone. he lost his phone while traveling a few months ago, and i don't know how he's gone so long without one (although i wonder if not having to listen to me nag him was partly behind his reasoning for waiting 'til now). i tried to get him to buy the motorola razr because it's such a cool-looking phone & i'll never get one because i'm hopelessly devoted to the smartphone, so i wanted to live vicariously through him. he got a comparable phone by lg, which is okay, but i'm hoping he'll hate it and return for the razr.

anyway, while c was browsing, i was fondling (yes, fondling) the hell out of the treo 650. it's got better EVERYTHING than my treo 600. and then while c was getting squared away with his lg, i asked if they had the new treo 700w in stock, which just arrived at that store that day, explaining why they didn't seem to have any floor models for me to (here's that word again) fondle. verizon guy opened up a box and handed me the 700w and i turned it on and went, "how the hell do you work this thing?"

really, i'm not (that) stupid. i've been a palm os user forever and this is the probably only the second windows mobile device i've ever handled. so i stood there poking buttons and once i figured out where stuff was, i figured now could be the time for me to start a-movin' on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky that is the treo 700w.

i'm still adjusting to the os & i'm liking it so far, but having squandered oodles of cash on something i wasn't in dire need of, i've spent the better part of my free time on treocentral's 700w discussion board reading & posting and trying to decide if in 15 days from the date of purchase, i will keep or return the treo 700w.

if you have any thoughts on the treo 700w or have any remedies for buyer's remorse, let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't return it. Stay on the dark side... SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!! Muhahahaha (not too sure how to spell that freaky laugh). I say keep the thing and welcome to the wonderful world of Windows Mobile. Now I can write nifty little programs and install them on your phone ;)


1/10/2006 5:36 pm  

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