Saturday, November 05, 2005

eight down, one to go

novena, evening 8 of 9.

two of the half-sibs (2 half-sibs = 1 sib) showed up this time, along with two of my nephews, along with more stuff of mine that was unwanted and has been removed from the home of the selfish bitch half-sib. i'm surprised a bonfire wasn't created with the remainder of my belongings. (i'm still bitter about this, can you tell?)

the selfish bitch half-sib has also demanded that she collect the wheelchair that she so graciously loaned to us to get my father to & fro while he was still alive. what she doesn't seem to acknowledge is that my mother actually paid for the wheelchair for that selfish bitch's husband when he was sick and they weren't able to afford it, so technically, my mother really owns the damn thing, but that's neither here nor there. i don't want to give the selfish bitch more to bitch about.

anyway, tomorrow is the last day of the rosary novena. i won't have to deal with the half-sibs until thanksgiving (if we're even invited). maybe we'll go to stockton for thanksgiving this year. i really miss my cousins.

my mom's friends have vowed to take her out on a regular basis after this. although this doesn't make up for all the crap she's dealing with regarding the half-sibs, it's still good to know that i won't have to worry about her moping around the house all by herself when i go back to work.

crap. work. i really don't want to go back to work on monday. i've actually asked for a reduced schedule for an unspecified amount of time...a few hours in the office, a few hours "telecommuting." two weeks should just about do it. we'll see.

i need to sleep.


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