Friday, November 04, 2005

another evening, sans sibs

i quite prefer it this way.

i never thought i'd find the company of a bunch of old filipinos to be more pleasant than that of the half-sibs.

the times, they are a-changing.

my confirmation ninang (godmother), who also happens to be one of the managers i report to at work, (that's a whole other story), who also happens to be a family friend to the half-sibs, brought her mother to my house.

my mother and this woman don't get along.

i don't know whose idea it was to bring her along, but it was weird.

it was weird AND tense.

they hardly spoke. when they did, it was awkward.

and then my mother's friends arrived, en masse. the whole, ilocano-speaking lot of them. all of a sudden, the woman didn't fit in.

i gotta say, i found the whole thing pretty damn amusing.


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